Wednesday 14 April 2010

And, at last, Spring is here! (well, sort of)

Taking advantage of yet another rainy morning (really, is there any other kind?) here I am squeezing in a little post amidst my Tokyo Tour Guide duties (Mr M's cousin and her husband are visiting us this week).

So, anyway, what is it with all this rain? Isn't the rainy season supposed to be in June? Hello, this is April! For the last couple fo weeks it's been one day hot and warmy, one day rainy and horrid and very much Brusselesque weather.

And cold, quite cold for a month into Spring.

The cherry blossoms are almost all gone by now, courtesy of the chilling winds, so now the streets are paved with a layer of mouldy pale-pink petals that are definitely not that cute anymore. On the positive side, the cherry trees are all sprouting green, which is a very nice view and screams of "Spring! Spring!".

Tomorrow, Mr M is taking the day off and Bibu is skiping creche, so we will go somewhere as it's our guests' final day in the land of the rising sun. It's been really nice to have them here with us, albeit for a short time, only a week. My parents are next in the Detoured Casa. They'll arrive just after the Golden Week and they'll stay for a month. I am really looking forward to them being here with us, specially with Bibu, who will turn 2 while they are here. I think for my parents it will be such a big adventure, coming from the other side of the world, literally, after a 32plus hour trip. I don't think they ever dreamt of visiting Japan, but hey, did I ever imagine that one day I would be living in Tokyo, not working and living the lala expat life? Nope, either.

Right, I should go now and do some edifying house work. Ta-dah!

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