Wednesday 9 December 2009

Hitting the five month mark

So we've been officially in Tokyo for five months now. I know, it's not so much, just over half a pregnancy, almost the trial period for a new job, but longer than most holidays. It seems both a long time and only a quarter of our scheduled time here.

Most expats would tell you that "the first six months are the hardest" and I will not be original on this and will completely agree. It's not just the getting settled, finding your way around the neighbourhood, meeting some new people, finding a school for your kids, figuring out the public transport system, dealing with a language you have absolutely no clue about.... It's that and much more. Namely a change of lifestyle so big that it gets a long time to get used to.

For me, besides all these things, it was mainly the switch between being a working person and being a full time stay at home mum and housewife. It's hard work, harder than I thought. Bibu goes three mornings a week to daycare and that's when I get to choose how I spend my time. The rest, is really not for me to decide. I know that running after a one-and-a-half dynamic kid is supposed to be like this. But it's tough. Add to that the wish to keep the apartment at least superficially clean and tidy and have food available to eat at the right times and that is a whole lot of work.

I am naturally very undisciplined and my attention span is very short. I am doing one thing and leave it unfinished to start doing something else that caught my eye and which I feel must be done NOW. Put Bibu in the picture and it's not surprise at the end of the day I feel like a mad chicken with its head half chopped off.

Eeuww.... what a metaphore ....

Anyway, in five months we have achieved a lot also, namely:

- Bibu (and us) love his daycare. It was recommended to me by our neighbours who have a kid about Bibu's age. I'm really-really happy with it.

- Finally managed to apply for Japanese lessons. I start in January right after we're back from BXLs.

- We've done quite a lot of sightseeing in and around Tokyo. I feel I know my way around the city and I definitely like it.

- I'm biking everywhere. I am not a sports person, so committing to weekly swimming sessions was a short lived gig. Biking, however is something I would happily do every day. I live the feeling and the fact you arrive fast everywhere.

- Finally dared to leave Bibu with a babysitter for a couple of hours while Mr M and I went to have a lovely dinner. It all went well and the lady is super sweet. Should do that again, it was worth every Yen.

- Went once to Argentina with Bibu (all 32 hours worth of trip) and we both survived. Seeing my family so happy to see Bibu (and myself) made all the sleep deprivation worth.

- Made a few acquaintances, which is no mean feat. I still miss my friends from my 'normal life' in Belgium, but I will see them in a few days. In any case, it's nice to meet new people.

- Bibu's best friends are a Japanese little boy and a Brazilian-Dutch little boy from daycare. Their mums are also very cool. We've been to an aquarium together with the kids and it was a very fun day. Bibu loves to hold onto a framed photo of the three we took there.

And on that note, and seeing that it is time for Bibu to wake up from his morning nap, I leave you for now. I promise I'll be writing a bit more often in the future (Bibu allowing) See ya!

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