Tuesday, 7 July 2009

The angle is very important

So, I am now in Tokyo since yesterday. The trip was long, difficult and tring, just like I expected it. Bibu had trouble staying calm in the limited space that a plane seat offers, to put it mildly. There were mean looks from other fellow passengers, oh yes. But well, we survived and we're here now to stay.

The first thing I did once in Narita airport was, quite understandably, run for the nearest disabled toilet, which allows to enter the cublicle with a stroller and all. This one was a combo disabled/ baby nappyi change station. It featured the trusty "TOTO" WC. Now, it is difficult to spot places in Tokyo with directions in English. Granted, the English is a bit dodgy, but this is such a gem that I cannot pass it by:

1 comment:

  1. Has sido victima (una victima mas) del abominable engrish que hablan los ponjas. ¿que es eso de poner el correcto àngulo del culo?

